Ten-net is remote desktop on command prompt
here to host(PC) in network we use telnet for networking.
host 1 ip is its user name is : administrator and password : 123
host 2 ip is its user name is : administrator and password :345
here we remote connection host 1 to host 2
- start telnet service on both host(PC)
- goto your start menu -> Control panel -> Administrative tools -> Service -> search TELNET and double click on it and open new window -> General -> start up type and select AUTOMATIC apply and OK. (do this process on both host )
- goto CMD-> cd\
- c:\telnet (second host ip)
- user name (of host 2 ) : administrator
- password (of host 2 ) : 345
- you are connected with
- and type "shutdown.exe -r -t 00"
- Second host now shutdown.
- goto start menu -> Accessories -> Communications -> Remote Desktop Connection
- enter ip
- enter User name and password
Enjoy it